21 Aug

Our Around the Iceland Trip

Our itinerary is based much on https://www.earthtrekkers.com/two-weeks-in-iceland-itinerary/ (we do longer than 14 days) and the Lonely Planet book on Iceland. 

$: Ensure you have a credit card with chip and PIN code.  Iceland gas stations require a chip card and PIN.  You don’t really need cash.  Credit cards work for us throughout. 

Car rental: Get a 4×4.  We got a Toyota Rav4, which is great for a family of four (ample space and power, plus in-car GPS, which warns us on most city speed camera locations).  Get car wifi (~$7/day) from the car rental company – totally worth it, so you don’t need international data usage, which is more expensive and I bet spottier than car rental’s in-car wifi. We rented through Blue Car Rental, which offers gravel insurance by default, which I recommend as you will surely drive through much gravel roads (the default insurance included for all cars at Blue Car Rental. It’s not the cheapest but is of great value based on online reviews, the quality and availability of features, e.g. you get free booster seats and cars are in great condition. Lotus Rental, slightly more expensive by offering additional insurance protection, is another good option. But unless you are driving off-roads intentionally, no need to take on all types of insurances.)

Hotel and map: I included daily Google maps below. I replace the start and end of each daily map with general location of the city/vicinity.  Of course, we start and end at our daily hotel locations.  We book using Booking.com (almost all Iceland hotels are on Booking.com, which is based in Europe).  I chime in below with some booking advice where it matters as well.

Day 1: We visit Blue Lagoon first before other spots on the peninsula (See G-map) (we didn’t hit Harbarberg Cliff, which takes more time). 

  • Booking the lagoon pool can be done within a month.  If you like to stay at Blue Lagoon, particularly Silica Hotel, which is of great value compared to the Retreat, try booking at least two to three months ahead.  We tried about 1.5-2 month ahead but couldn’t get it.  We ended up staying first night at Reykjavik though, which has a lot of choices.  The Lava restaurant at Blue Lagoon is great (welcoming us as our first, official proper Icelandic meal) – we dined there before hitting Reykjavík.

Day 2Snaefellsnes Peninsula. See G-map.  Following the blog, we visited Glymur waterfall first.  The scenery to the waterfall is beautiful, especially for first time visitors to Iceland on this second day.  So we end up spending quite some time (the morning till noon) on this day segment, but as you can see on the map, there are a lot of spots already for the day.  We didn’t end up visiting all spots.  Highly recommend visiting Stykkisholmur for dinner or at least spend some time in the town (or see the blogger’s recommendation for dinner at Kirkjufellsfoss – though you need to reserve that recommended local restaurant ahead of time, as it was full when we visited, but we ended up having an excellent dinner at Stykkisholmur next to the harbor. See more in our Facebook photos.)

Day 3: West Fjord. See G-map (Skip if you don’t have time, e.g. only 14-day trip). Dynjandi waterfall is fabulous (you can see in some of our Facebook photos).  Of course, if you visit in early or mid July (even better than late July when we visited), you will catch puffins in the westernmost point of Europe at Látrabjarg, which is one-of-a-kind impressive. Puffins rest back at home at night, so if you have one more day to stay nearby, you can walk to the bird cliff at night to enjoy wonderful sights of puffins around the cliffs. Remember that Iceland’s sun doesn’t really set until midnight during the summer, so this is not such a difficult arrangement. (For us, because we will visit Puffin Marina later in our trip, we didn’t opt for staying nearby just for this. We did manage to see puffins at this impressive cliff location ourselves even in late July in the afternoon.)

Day 4: IsafjordurSee Gmap.  (Skip if you already couldn’t visit West Fjord in Day 3, e.g. only 14-day trip).  But if you have time, this is a very beautiful and peaceful lake town surrounded by mountains that is serene and different from the rest of popular Iceland towns. It left an indelible mark in our minds even to this day – how peaceful and memorable the place and setting is. (See some of our Facebook photos.) We also visited the public, free, by-the-road pool at Drangsnes, which is wonderful and another new life experience we don’t get elsewhere yet.

Day 5: Spots between Laugarbakki and Akureyri (which follows the blog).  See G-map.  If you are skipping West Fjord in Day 3 and 4, you won’t get to hit all the spots on this map because you will be driving a long day to hit Akureyri. You can save the Herring Era Musuem to the next day, which we ended up doing even in our itinerary because we spent more time in the morning at the beautiful Isajfordjur.

Day 6: Spots between Akureyri and Myvatn.  See G-map.  We booked whale watching at Hjalteyri, much closer to Akureyri, run by the same company at the famous Husavik town (which the blog suggested) and also faster to watch because it’s shorter distance to see.  Our experience is that you could monitor the weather two days before deciding if you like to go watch as weather changes so much and even though we made it, kids didn’t quite enjoy rainy, windy whale watching experience.

Day 7: Myvatn. See G-map.  Our hotel recommends us to visit and take Myvatn Nature Baths after dinner.  So we actually went back to the hotel for dinner and then headed out for Nature Baths, which worked out great for a relaxing night of sound sleep.

Day 8: Puffin MarinaSee G-map where you get to see puffins closest to you at Iceland (though the southern island, Vestmannaeyjar, which we didn’t visit, has most puffin population and we heard good things about that experience as well).  We didn’t end up completing all spots in Day 7, so in our Day 8, we visit those leftover from Day 7 as well.

  • Booking a stay at Egilsstadir is difficult.  From Egilsstaadir on for the next few days before hitting Selfoss, hotel booking situation is bad during popular summer reason.  So book at least two-three months ahead to reserve where you like.  We were lucky to book a good one still with 1.5 month time ahead but not on first try (and requires daily re-checking on Booking.com)
  • There is an excellent restaurant Blabjorg at the town of Puffin Marina. Book in advance. https://blabjorg.is/restaurant/. You could also stay here. It’s a beautiful town that we can see locals and tourists spend weekends here.

Day 9: Between Egilsstadir and Hofn. See G-map.  You can stay at Hofn, which we didn’t as we couldn’t find a hotel we like 1.5 month ahead, including the few recommended by the blog.  We ended up driving another hour to stay at Glacier Lagoon (there is really only one hotel here, Fosshotel Glacier Hotel), which is a great hotel and easier for next day itinerary, so we didn’t lose much time overall.  But staying at Hofn is easier on driving, if like us, you like to spend more time at Egilsstadir (visiting the cute town and the national forest, which the blog didn’t talk about) before hitting Hofn.  Vestrahorn is beautiful – you can easily spend two hours here.

Day 10: Glacier LagoonSee G-map.  Book a boat tour (see our Facebook post).  The one we booked took us deeper into the lake to see more. It’s another unique life experience. If you stay at Fosshotel Glacier Lagoon like we did, its restaurant is good (reservation recommended as it gets busy at night) and remember to reserve its cozy outdoor hot pool ahead of time. We stayed two nights, so we were able to reserve for the next night easily.  If you reserve the night-of when checking in, chances are it’s booked already.

Day 11: GlacierSee G-map.  Depending on your group, if your youngest is at least 8 years old at that time, you can join quite a few tours for walking on the biggest glacier in Europe, Vatnajokull glacier. We arranged a private tour so our 6 year old daughter can join with a custom pace.  It’s a wonderful, new life experience. 

  • Stay at Vik if you can find a hotel (two/three months ahead should work).  We ended up staying at Hella, farther away.

Day 12: Spots around Vik and south IcelandSee G-map

  • Stay at Vik works better instead of where we end up at Hella.

Day 13: Golden Circle: See G-map. We didn’t follow the blog as we aren’t up for long hiking for most of the day (also the weather wasn’t great).  We ended up visiting most Golden Circle spots first.  We couldn’t visit Bruarfoss waterfall because of weather and time (also Sigoldugljufu the next day and the river on the way to Kerlingarfjoll show us the comparably blue experience).  We did pass by Secret Lagoon, the oldest public pool at Iceland, but didn’t bath in there because of time (also by now we bathed in quite a few places 😉

  • We stay at Selfoss, different from the blog’s suggestion. Selfoss is a great town, has many dining and hotel choices (including supermarkets, stores and Bobby Fischer center)

Day 14: LandmannalaugarSee G-map.  It’s a paradise up in the Iceland highland.  Spectacular visit. Having a 4×4 is a must; yes, we drove a very short bit of a creek on the way – it’s absolutely safe and ultimately just fun life experience.  You can see our photos on Facebook.  We didn’t visit Haifoss at the end because of the amount of time we spent in Landmannalaugar.

Day 15: KerlingafjollSee G-map. See also our Facebook photos.  Another unique and marvelous spot at Iceland. You really get to appreciate yet again why this is the land of ice and fire. The blog didn’t include this in its 14-day trip itinerary but mention it at the end if you have time. We love it; we also have a bit more time.  If you are doing 14-day trip, by skipping the two days at West Fjords, you could then also substitute more of our Day 16 for this and squeeze in Pingveillir on our Day 13.  This means you get to visit Kerlingafjoll on your second to last day and head for Reykajavik at night. 4×4 is a must with a harder road condition than Landmannalaugar.  I have never had to drive such bumpy road that long, but hey, 4×4 handles all the bumps and holes quite handily, so I learn to appreciate how tough 4×4 tires can take.

Day 16: Last popular spot of Golden Circle, Pingvellir National Park and back to Reykjavík. See G-map. We went to a restaurant that served all kinds of unique Iceland seafood (from smoked puffin, rotten shark, to whale meat).   Some recommend hot dogs and lobster tail soups, which Reykjavik/Iceland is also famous for (some say the best in the world; we just chose more exotic variations this night).

Day 17: More spots of Reykjavik and then airport. See G-map.  We didn’t visit all spots because of time (we ended up visiting the live volcano, which probably isn’t erupting when you visit.  But if it is, definitely go visit if you can hike a bit).  The 101 Street Food is great for lunch – best fish & chips we have anywhere. Lamb soup is must-have. Its beef noodle, chicken noodle, etc also will comfort those missing warm noodles with Iceland touch.

13 Jul

Short stay at Ashland, Oregon 南奧勒岡的輕旅行

美國國慶日假期,我們一家來到了奧勒岡州(Oregon)。上次來奧勒岡州,已是十年前的事了。那一年,我和男友(現在的老公)來到位於奧勒岡州南方的Ashland 城市住了短短幾天,深深的愛上這裡的寧靜氛圍與大自然美景。這次,帶著兩隻小毛頭,我們決定舊地重遊!

沒想到,飯店確認後沒幾天,Shasta森林大火的消息就傳來了,原本以為還有一個多禮拜才出發的我們,啟程經過這段山路時山火應該已經撲滅了?沒想到,出發當天,還是看到這片景象🥺 。而且,奧勒岡州待完一星期後返家途中,還是煙霧瀰漫,原來,過了兩個星期,大火還持續的燒著 😱。

開在州際公路I-5 行經幾天前因閃電引起的山火(Lava fire and Salt Fire),煙霧持續瀰漫著。
滿山片野的樹木都因為山火而焦枯了🥺 看了真的很心痛

抵達Ashland後,先去吃了晚餐,接著住進預定的Airbnb,隔天才有機會帶兩小逛逛 Lithia Park。Lithia Park 位於Ashland城市的市中心,佔地九十三英畝,完美的融合了城市與大自然。隨意在市中心走著,享受著南奧勒岡的美食,品個酒或帶杯咖啡,走路幾分鐘又即刻置身於美麗的公園裡,很是悠閒。


Lithia Park 充滿綠蔭,走起來毫不費力
公園佔地寬敞,不用擔心人擠人 😍
Lithia 公園裡的鴨子湖(Lower duck pond)
公園標準配備:兒童遊樂設施 😂

奧勒岡州每年的莎士比亞節 (Oregon Shakespeare Festival) 都在Ashland 舉辦。這座城市舉手投足間,都充滿了人文氣息,在我心中一直佔有一席之地。奧勒岡州的農業十分發達,因此也不乏找到許多Farm to Table(農產食材直達餐廳)料理。吃著當地新鮮食材,配上當地的酒,跟著當地人緩慢的步調,真的很容易就愛上這樣一座小巧可愛的城市。

前菜點了冷湯(cold soup),熱呼呼的天氣喝冷湯最舒服了。兩小第一次喝到小黃瓜與蒔蘿做成的冷湯,讚不絕口。
今天來到Larks Home Kitchen,就在Ashland Springs Hotel 裡,室內空間非常舒服又有冷氣,只不過我們當然又是坐戶外啦 😂
市中心走一走就撞到City Hall,小巧的City Hall,看起來就像一般的店家,一不注意就錯過了🤣
除了咖啡豆以外,來到奧勒岡州豈可不帶酒?😂 工作人員看到我推車裡的數隻酒,忍不住幫我裝了箱,哈哈。跟北加州的納帕產區比起來,奧勒岡所產的葡萄酒相對輕盈(奧勒岡州的Pinot Noir 頗具盛名),我也十分喜愛。

這次的住宿,原本想訂十年前住過的Ashland Creek Inn。這個飯店早餐精緻美味,飯店就在Ashland 的小溪旁,每天早上坐在陽台上吃著廚師精心準備的早餐,俯瞰著小溪,十分愜意。而且,飯店離 Lithia Park 與市中心是走路可以到的距離,只可惜,這次都被訂滿了😢。後來,我們找到了 Lithia Springs Resort,開車八分鐘抵達市中心。這家渡假旅館環境優美,又可以在自己的房間泡泉水(位於飯店區域的泉水有些許硫磺成份與許多礦物質),成為我在Ashland的心頭好。只不過,我們想訂的Suite房型,前半段都訂光了,只得分兩段住宿,前幾天住 Airbnb,後半段住 Resort。

我們的Airbnb:房子顏色好配藍天呀。屋況幾乎全新 (今年三月才開始營運),但抵達以後我們才發現房子就在大馬路旁,雖然Ashland的車流不多,馬路不吵,但我跟老公還是驚訝了一下😂。Airbnb 在預定時由於不能先知道地址,偶而會出現這樣的驚喜包。
Airbnb 廚房
客廳變成孩子睡覺的地方 😂
今天入住Lithia Springs Resort,飯店門口一到就令人感到放鬆🥰


南奧勒岡實在太好玩了,下次再來分享這次旅行所去的 Crater Lake National Park(火山口湖國家公園)和 Ashland 周遭其他城市景點。



更多照片在紅媽 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/cardinalbabyblog/

紅孩兒音樂分享頻道:Cardinal Baby Channel

25 Apr

換琴記 Part 2: 選一部適合自己的琴


疫情肆虐當下,店裡看琴都必須預約,所以網路成了我最好的朋友。例如:Youtube上就可以找到許多針對不同品牌與不同型號所做的錄音,聽多了,慢慢可以歸納出不同品牌的聲音特性:我喜歡奧地利品牌Bösendorfer的音色甚於美國的Steinway。Bösendorfer 在高音區有著像水晶般晶瑩剔透的聲音,繞樑不絕於耳,整體琴聲溫暖乾淨,聽起來十分夢幻😍 。我也意外的發現了一個我以前從沒聽說過的義大利 Fazioli 品牌,Fazioli 產出的琴聲各個音域都完美無缺,一聽就立馬被圈粉。

Fazioli 雖短短四十年歷史,生產的鋼琴工藝精湛,與眾多百年品牌齊名


購買新琴除了方便,又有原廠保固,令人感到安心。另外,由於鋼琴零零總總零件全部加起來超過一萬件 (第一次聽到我也嚇了一跳😱),全新的零件,比較不容易遇到異想不到的品質問題。只不過,買新琴的相同預算如果選擇二手琴,卻又可以買到更好的鋼琴規格。不同規格的琴,琴體設計與共鳴空間大小不同,表現樂音的潛力也不同😅 。





因為喜歡Bösendorfer的音色,一開始我先著手研究二手Bösendorfer市場。但是,我很快就發現:相較於二手的史坦威市場,貝森朵夫二手市場數量明顯少很多,資訊也相對不透明。而聲音完美的Fazioli,二手市場裡則幾乎找不到她的蹤跡😅。權衡之下,我開始鎖定史坦威的二手市場。美國身為史坦威的發源地,二手市場的確貨源豐富,但同時也充斥著各式各樣品質不一的存貨 😳 。







與女主人告辭後,我上網研究一番。原來,現代琴通用的八十八鍵規格是1900 年代後才約定俗成的;年代更久的琴不乏有少於八十八鍵的情況。這也太神奇了吧!

今天來到位於Los Altos 的史坦威直營店

第三次,我們來到家裡附近的史坦威直營店。直營店裡的展示琴,音都調到最佳狀態,觸感靈敏,讓人一彈就愛上。只可惜,原本以為直營店裡可以買到史坦威certify 過的二手琴,詢問過後才知道他們的二手琴數量極少(當下連一台都沒有)。他們的二手琴,基本上是老顧客要升級自己的史坦威時會賣回折抵新琴費用的,因此,琴齡通常較低,價格也比較高。想買原廠certify過的二手琴,不妨詢問家裡附近有的直營店,或許你家裡附近直營店的存貨狀況會比我遇到的多更多。




紅媽 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/cardinalbabyblog/

紅孩兒音樂分享頻道:Cardinal Baby Channel

31 Dec



全家快快樂樂地緩慢開車行進,欣賞今年的 Christmas in the park,還不知道待會回家會面對到的景象 😓


老公趕緊打九一一,我也連忙叫紅孩兒趕緊回到我們身邊。電話裡的警察請我們離開家裡,等待警車來到。在等待的過程中,我不禁跟老公說:「還好我們都不在家。」紅妹也點點頭:「還好我們都很安全。」聽她這麼一說,我也回應:「妹妹妳說的對,錢可以解決的事都是小事,全家安全地在一起,沒有人受傷,才是最重要的。」然後過了兩秒,紅妹忽然加了一句:「媽媽,小偷會把我的獨角獸偷走嗎?」 😂 獨角獸玩偶是聖誕老公公昨天給他的聖誕禮物,是紅妹最重要的身家財產🤣 ? 她一問完這一句,全家都被她逗笑了。爸爸跟她解釋完畢(小偷不會偷玩偶),她這才心滿意足的放下心中的大石頭 🥰。


在這段感覺十分漫長的等待警察來到的時間,我跟老公也不斷地閃過了許多跑馬燈:小偷是不是已經觀察家裡一陣子才得知我們出門?出門時有看到可疑人物嗎?我們才出門兩小時呀?許許多多的問號。警察來到以後,四位有真強實彈的警察先入內檢查竊賊是否還在家裡,確認沒有以後他們先行離開,另外兩位警察接著帶我們進入家裡。這時候我才第一眼看到被竊賊肆虐過的家裡。這票竊賊,看來是專偷珠寶。客廳 、 廚房完好無缺,擺放餐桌上的電腦也都還在。但臥室所有抽屜散落一地,衣櫃也被翻了一輪。這幾年來陪伴我的首飾(別人送的、自己買的)都如過往雲煙😢 放在家中的許多禮物卡 (gift card) 也飛了。疫情當下,還得擔心被感染風險 🥺 等警察採完指紋拍完照離開後,我只趕著將所有房間的床單被套換新,地毯吸塵,所有抽屜、門把,以及可能竊賊會碰到的地方都消毒一次。邊清心裡想:偷也就算了,你可千萬不要給我帶病毒進來呀!😳

在一旁的老公也沒閒著,不斷聯絡修落地窗的公司,當時已是晚上七點,又是聖誕假期,好不容易聯絡上了一家可以當晚來幫忙(感恩)。面對散落一地的玻璃還有黏在窗沿上搖搖欲墜的大片殘留玻璃,自己處理還不知如何下手,還好專業就是專業!兩位公司的壯漢立馬將所有殘留玻璃除去,接著用工業級吸塵設備將所有碎玻璃吸得一乾二凈,將門戶洞開的落地窗用木板釘起來後才離開。落地窗處理過後也讓我們放心不少,冷風不再灌進來,家裡頓時溫暖多了。聖誕節過後的第一晚,我和老公就這樣狼狽的忙到凌晨三點才作歇。 😭

隔天一起床,我跟老公則是分頭忙著處理保險公司理賠事宜以及其他雜事。2020年,對許多人來說都是不好過的一年吧?今年的疫情讓我沈澱許多想法:全家身體健康就是最大的財富,遺失的珠寶,不過身外之物。坦白說,許多件首飾這幾年也都沒有在戴了。幾年前喜歡的設計現在看也不對味,這次被偷走,也算是變相的讓自己跟過去說再見吧。我一直知道自己是一個物慾不高的人,但能這麼坦然,我也有點被自己嚇一跳 😂 或許是因為這一年來,所見所聞都讓我體會到生命的脆弱。我明白在我的生命裡對我最重要的是什麼:對我最重要的,是人,而不是事或物,所以我心中仍然充滿感恩:感恩在新的一年,我依然能與所愛的人,過著自己喜歡的日子:主的恩典,夠我用。新的一年,我給自己的字是「活在當下」,不用望穿秋水期待疫情消失,也無需嚮往未來。一言以蔽之,管他的!不管日子如何,我,就要活在這個當下,好好的,活 在 當 下 。




紅媽 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/cardinalbabyblog/

*喜歡聽紅孩兒音樂的朋友,歡迎訂閱YouTube頻道:Cardinal Baby Channel

23 Mar




我在想,或許我應該從新聞脫離幾天。今天晚上,我決定從新聞跳脫,做一些自己可以開始做的事。我傳了訊息給紅孩兒的鋼琴老師。問他過去這一個禮拜好不好。我知道老師是一位不太會用科技的人,所以她勢必已經一個禮拜沒收入了。我主動告訴她我可以先預付以後的學費。本來我還擔心自己這樣做老師會不會 feel offended,畢竟,她是位名師,半小時收費九十美金,搞不好經濟狀況很好呢,呵呵呵。但是,不主動問總覺得心裡不踏實,萬一,老師其實真的是需要幫忙呢?所以我想了想還是問了,就不管老師會不會覺得我也太小看她了。



*喜歡聽紅孩兒音樂的朋友,歡迎訂閱YouTube頻道:Cardinal Baby Channel

16 Mar




他常常信手捻來,就可以洋洋灑灑寫下一張這種作息表,有一陣子還天天畫。大家看到這些作息表,一定以為他很上進,但是,他其實就是喜歡寫時間數字、畫格子跟圖表。我們家沒有一天是照他規劃的進行Screen Shot 2015-01-14 at 11.18.47 PM。這次疫情,看到朋友們在規劃作息表,我只能佩服。在我家,我們從來沒有照表抄課(因為無法執行)。我們的原則是,每天必須把需要完成的事做完,什麼時候做,則是孩子的自由。作息表上的事都不做,只顧著畫作息表也沒關係 (就說他的作息表是塗鴉吧),只要一天結束前,該做的事都有完成即可 。


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*喜歡聽紅孩兒音樂的朋友,歡迎訂閱YouTube頻道:Cardinal Baby Channel

14 Jan




偶而看到網站流量分析,知道還是有捧油來關注,覺得溫暖,不過也覺得好心虛啊Screen Shot 2015-01-14 at 11.18.47 PM。 過去半年來紅媽真的分身乏術,所以一直到現在才可以來部落格除除草。

這半年發生很多事,首先是我辭了工作,當了全職媽媽。辭職這件事說來話長,以後再專文分享。接下來遊手好閒飛回台灣當了兩個月啃老族(紅孩兒有老媽幫忙帶,豈是一個爽字了得,媽我愛您。)思考接下來要做什麼。之後回美國展開另一個新的挑戰—經營網路商店。於是我開始了我創業+全職媽的人生。有小孩的朋友都知道,小孩會爬以後除了午睡其他時間都像跟屁蟲,我走到哪他爬到哪,所以我只能利用寶寶午睡以及晚上入睡後追趕創業的進度。沒上班後每天反而更晚睡,生活更不規律哎Screen Shot 2015-01-14 at 11.53.04 PM 。 不過經過這段時間的辛苦,網站總算開始營運。有興趣的朋友可以來逛逛我的蕭邦小姐網站喔 www.misschopin.com 。鐺鐺!以下是工商廣告時間:蕭邦小姐網站主要是賣高品質飾品,目前我們的首飾有美國本地設計師的作品,也有從幫美國大廠牌代工的廠商直接批貨的飾品。我們運送全球,台灣下單的話滿美金五十五免運費 :)歡迎大家加入蕭邦小姐粉絲團 幫紅媽衝人氣喔,以上。

現在蕭邦小姐一切逐漸進入正軌,所以紅媽總算可以重拾寫作的樂趣。之前一些朋友介紹的有關學齡前小孩教育的書單,總算可以開始好好的看了。大家會對紅媽分享這些學齡前教育的讀書心得有興趣嗎?有的話就敬請期待囉 :)


*喜歡聽紅孩兒音樂的朋友,歡迎訂閱YouTube頻道:Cardinal Baby Channel